Monday, August 30, 2010

The last letter, My proposal to you.

 Knock! knock! I'm here to deliver a letter to you.....

The 10th letter, is about my vows to you….
I promise to love you by the decision of God’s will and not depending on my feelings.
I will always be faithful to you and never to leave you alone in your darkest moment and in every situations. For I take you seriously. I’ll love you without boundaries. My love for you will always be selfless, putting you into every picture. I will always be concerned with doing the best for you, regardless of the cost. I promise to emphasize on giving and not on receiving.

Vow’s for Female :

I love you, Christopher Lee Yee Hong and I know that you love me. Because of this I desire to be your wife. For years I have prayed that God would lead me to His choice and I am confident that His will is being fulfilled. Through the pressures of the present and the uncertainties of the future I promise to be faithful to you. I will love, serve, and obey you as long as we both are alive. Christ told us that the wife must submit herself unto her own husband as unto the Lord. For as Christ is Head of His Church so is the husband head of his wife. I , Sabrina Lee Wai Ling will submit myself to you. As is the church in her relationship to Christ, so I will be to you, I will live first unto our God and then unto you, loving you, obeying you, caring for you and ever seeking to please you. God has prepared me for you and so I will ever strengthen, help, comfort, and encourage you. Therefore, throughout life, no matter what may be ahead of us, I pledge to you my life as an obedient and faithful wife.

Dear, I really do love you!

You received my 10th letter! And wrote this to me.........

(CHRIS)     says: in the witness of God..... I now take you as my wife..
protecting you.. Loving you... Caring for you... Being all that you need....
I will be faithful to you as long as we live, as long as God put us together... I'll take you in sickness, in illness, in poor... and in bad situation...
I love you as my wife... And i'll make you my only one...
I love you dear....

Letters to our future babies ( sons & daughters )

[12:55:33 AM] Chris says: to my beloved son & daughter
today is 19 JUly 2010 1251 am, mummy and daddy is chatting now, discussing about you..... remember we love you alot, right now we do not know how to be your parents yet, we still very kiddish just like you, but in times we will learn how to take care of you and how to provide for you. Making you our priority, sacrificing our times for you future, and for you to grow up. Above all we, right now, we still need to learn how to teach you to put God first in your life more than anything else. Remember we love you!

Love, dad.

[12:51:18 AM] sabrina lee wai ling says: to my beloved son & daughter,
[12:51:39 AM] sabrina lee wai ling says: mummy and daddy loves you both a lot
[12:52:14 AM] sabrina lee wai ling says: but our footsteps taken in life are not perfect
[12:52:41 AM] sabrina lee wai ling says: let your life be pleasing to God
[12:52:54 AM] sabrina lee wai ling says: Obey His word
[12:53:28 AM] sabrina lee wai ling says: for it is your Heavenly Father who created you!

Love mummy!