Sunday, March 6, 2011

My lil sweet encouraging notes!

Greatest 2010 kissmas prezzie ever!! weee!!!
 365 stars rounds up the 365 days in a year...
each one written by the sweetest honey pot with lotsa love & encouragement to share...
all originally written by YOU! proof : base on the hand writings, there's only me who reads it well XP!

My hands were all sweaty. SooOooooOo nervous. They’re giving me a hard time to open the stars because I’m afraid I’ll accidently destroy it. But I manage to do only a little damage and fold it back up after reading the encouragement notes! heeh !

For this year 2011, you say it’ll be tough because I have to really focus on my studies and put our relationship to aside. This very jar of stars is given to me so that I will always know that I’m never going to go through this alone. Each of them really meant a lot to me as they represent the messages that you wanted to tell me. I am so proud to be their owner!

 HERE! here is some of the notes ya written to me...all so powerful... encompass with such encouragement..
puts a wide , wide smile on mah face... was giggling...I felt so loved by God... and His love poured onto me through your acts of gentleness felts so tangible .^^... made tears flow out from my eyes without me noticing it

 star 1#, The race is still long , but He is waiting in the end ..keep your faith …finish the race.
 star 2#, Don’t be shy or think that you would be rejected when you express yourself … someone listens.
 star 3#, The peace of God is given freely all the time, crave for His presence… Rest in Him…

       Hey, this was last year... the first time ever I receive a gift from ya! And it's stick onto my back door!
then another one... hehe... its just too pretty for me to hand it up...
so , I just left it there wrapped in the nice nice green paper... go green! go green wrapper! go green ribbon!
....heart melt...
as I look at these notes you've wrote on it...
It gave an extra boost to me.. see how positive words works! Very powerful in their own way...
Just like everyone needs in this world...
more love... more encouragement...
so spread it dear! theres so much people have to see in you, which is da light that shines out
the love of Christ. Cheers to ya!


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