Friday, February 18, 2011

Marriage can glorify God!

I feel your love pouring generously onto me even though we're far apart... lol 10km only mar... right?
I felt your gentle caring heart for me...
I felt so happy... I must be so blessed by God to have you by my side...
I went to watch this sermon about the purpose of marriage spoken by Paul Washer..
I pulled my daddy up into my room to watch it with me as I thought it would be great if we learn something
together by watching the video... and I tell you it was AWESOME!!
A new purpose and the right one I had in mind after watching it for 36 minutes twice for the same part...
then... my daddy dose off...haha! so cute! He was really tired, my comfy cold cold room
made him even more sleepy... So, here's the link!

It's clearly stated in the scriptures in Romans 8:28-29, that God does everything for our own good...
He wants us to be conformed ( just like ) into Jesus, his son!

That particular scripture has everything to do with marriage...
For a man/woman whom has heard the calling of God to love someone, in obedience we will follow
His command. How does marriage works that way? Well, it's God ways of shaping us to be like Him.
Through this covenant that you have made , that is your vows to God which you must keep for as long
as you live will you are able to learn how to love your wife/husband unconditionally.
Sounds like you've done it before, easy huh? It will all be revealed to you when your partner
unfolds its true nature to you - nasty! heh heh heh... Maybe this is how it works, we can't fully understand how God works sometimes or maybe all the time. Jesus, full of mercy,grace and loves unconditionally..
This how God , our Father, wants us to be. We are brought to marriage to whom sometimes doesn't meet your needs , that sometimes doesn't approve of you nor fulfill your conditions of how a wife/
husband should be. This is how we learn. Through the ups & downs, you are bound to stick with your
partner no matter how worst is the situation is. Its how we truly learn to love someone even though sometimes
he/she might be so so unlovable... This is your purpose in life... that is doing the will of God, being more and
more like Jesus! What a great journey we are heading to - marriage!

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