Saturday, July 16, 2011

Thank you for understanding...

From the bottom of my heart I just wanna thank you so much...
For understanding me although sometimes it might be hard
because I can't really express out the way feel inside....
Thank you dear friends. You might not be a brother or sister in Christ yet!
But you care, you love, you understand, somehow more than a family member does...
Thank you AHFISH and YIBI, for your time to hear me grumble a lil and me voicing out my sadness.
Today I was very 'san fu', to endure all the harsh, unkind, prejudice & sickly-repeated-negative words
I think I might just die of heart broken....haha... kua jiong! But it does hurts a lot..
For 2 hours of hearing those same words. Its nothing but arrows shooting through my heart....
On the surface I may look calm and okay....
But I'm just like you my friends. I cry very easily and I get hurt very easily too.
We're so much alike in a way ^ ^
If 1happy family, you're all here... I would run into your arms and cry....
Because there's no one else who would even try to understand... who..really never tried...haha..
Dear chin chin, if you were there at that moment... I would be in tears... telling you what exactly just happened
and I know you'll always say... 'it's okay, wai ling, don't have to take it to yourself what they just say'
or you might say, 'never let those words hurt you, you must be strong'.
And I would cry even harder. To release every pain that I have inside and then wipe my tears..
move forward...and stand back up again...
  I love you, my friends ^ ^


Thursday, July 14, 2011


When will we tie a knot between us?
Hear me giggle... when you said I'm already married to you...
Yes, dear... I remember my vows to you.^ ^
Should we renew vows when we reach our bronze,silver,golden year
& some more got what kind of year that we need to celebrate???
heeh! I believe everyday with you calls for a celebration...
Even though we're not together yet!
But I know how much we would treasure so hard for us...
Because we waited for so long
Together we gone so far and it takes so much perseverance
We grown so muchhh... I love you even deeper!!
I'm keeping my heart oh-so-pure for you,
Will always keep you in mind & prayer...


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Don't go breaking my heart movie

PART 1/17 :
it's a nice movie!

hah! I dowanna be a spoiler... so... Im just gonna tell ya lil lil bits about this movie...
There are 4 types of men. Well, actually its three...
I just figured out the third by myself. heeeh!
The first man, very well known as the man who most probably would give in to a woman
when he'd knew she's having his blood and flesh....
and then dumps his 7 years of sweet lovely girlfriend....for someone... who's maybe 
his other pregnant wife or girlfriend? I dunno la...
To conclude it, pregnant woman comes first for this man. hehe
Then, there's this I-love-woman-sss man...
Oh! This man is secretly , madly in love with an office girl for 3 years..
Yesh! He reaaaally does people... 
He's a man alright! A man who is so capable to love womansss...
I mean this woman, this very special woman - he's serious about and in the mean time...
he could also have desires for sexy women...ahem..other women...
this man memang banyak guys side leh, fyi!
oh yup! He's a man who could love a woman and wants other women.... 
 A saying goes, there's 10 kind of guys in this world, 9 of them are dead but 1 is different.
The one guy, is the 2nd guy that I've just intro to ya.
ahuh... He claims to be the one guy who could really love this woman...
out of 10, would you choose the one who is type 2?
But if there's guy 11?? Which is type 3, way alien than all the 10 guys that I just mention.
oyeahh! This is guy number 3. Who was falling in life but got back up and turn out to be...
the kind of guy, a woman might call the 11th guy!!!! 0,0'' 
'you'll be like, uh, does guy 11th even exist?'
This guy is very rare in society nowadays^^  
but of course he can be found! Just very rare to meet guy type 3.
Meet guy type 3, loyalty is one of the quality that he has.
Many girls will say, yeah, he's the one who could give someone security.... >o<
And move on to guy type 4, seen all in the streets.
everyday new woman , everyday enjoy making love , kind of guy!
whooshh.... spoils the mood...

What if you're falling head over heels into guy type 2 and you're willing to love him to the very bits.
Even when you're hurting so bad due to his disloyalty , you could still go on not finding someone else.
But the choices are in your hands, guy type 2 & 3, is both waiting at your door.
Both love you so much, so deep, so passionate.
Who would you choose leh?!

Chin says : Stupid kah?! Choose guy type 3 la!~
Sabrina : T . T , what about poor guy type 2? He's fighting over his nature mah...
Chin : aih... I don't wanna marry already cause guy type 3 is so hard to find. haha!

Guys : I prefer, the character in guy type 2, more real, you know? Guy type 3 is more like fairytale la.

Girls : Waiting for the 11th guy to appear. Because guy type 3 is the best choice! lawl!