Saturday, April 23, 2011

I have the best days with you...

I love to daydream in the afternoon...thinking about you & me...
I said , 'hey, guys, duncha think my babies will be sooo~oh~ beautiful? I mean.. they're gonna be soo~ gorgeous
having their daddy's eyes or mine, just think of my baby's skin...nose...lips..and bla and blaa blaah blah!'
friend 1 : eeeeeeee! perasaan!
friend 2 : *looks down* ...ugh...not again...
friend 3 : haha! yea yeah...always ah chris this, ah chris that.. aiyuuh...pening...
wait! I say! they're gonna be chubbily fatty bom bom like their daddy or short & skinny like me when they're a kid huh? watcha guys think neh?

so...watcha think....watcha think!! papa campur mama = muka baby like how ah?

heee heee...*go all shock sendiri*....chuckle chuckle~

----- no response-----

friends 1,2,3 continued doing their h/w ignoring ME! sobs!

I start counting the days...the months..all the time we had together...
suddenly thought of me having emotional moment... and I wonder how I could go on and on..
prison by this insecure feeling that I lets discuss..

friend 2 : you know, guys, it never really happened to me... all I needed , I
              everything else... I want to feel safe in any relationships... the warmth... its what I truly needed..
              Maybe that will avoid me from being worried wondering if I'm enough or not...

friend 3 : yeah...I'm afraid to get hurt too.. I rather not continue a relationship feeling so's like    
              you've to go through this worrying things that aren't necessary and something that we could prevent..

I nod here..nod nod there.. after all the serious talking.... we laughed it joking about all the handsome
guys that are awaiting for us to be admired... or to be stalked? lol..

I know in my heart, the mistakes that I've done... the path that I've chosen... call us childish or anything...
but they do have some points there... even though we know, of course, there'll be hurts in any relationships...
unless if we're not committed to one another.. but then.. it could always be prevented...if we just try let God
lead you to the right one..'s me...remembering all the days being with you.. praying..hoping.. when time passes it'll prove.. giving us.. how feelings fades away after being blown off by the wind or how time strengthen our love..


  1. Pretty snow white vs macho hercules... ==

  2. hey, you! preeteeyy snow white la...look how your skin glows so radiantly....makes me go pretty xP

  3. I can be your touch light in the night rite? Since i glow...

  4. be my shining star... who leads me...^^
