Monday, May 2, 2011

The day I forgot about your bday...

Its Sunday..Its labor day...huh... Monday's a holiday thats all I know...exxxxccitingg~~
I went to Bible... Holy communion... hmm...? I'm wondering... why are we having Holy communion? Oh... Its the first day of the month of May , I guess... hmm... so... its the 1st of May ya...
still, Its like somethings missing... what about 1st of May...what about it ya???
I didn't take much time thinking about it.... all I have in mind was about Ps. Sylvia msg... and kacau-ing cutie yan yan... and why today Chris is sitting so near ( I mean just one big step away from me) to me... well, he doesn't sit so near to me... or maybe I was sitting near to him cause I was sitting at the edge. Hmmm.... now service is over...gossshhh..I still have no idea...
I'm like 'shooh shooh' stop sticking me...
Well, it's not like usual... ughh... I really don't know whats happening... then..

Chris asked me... Hey, Sabrina , are you free afterwards?
I said, ermmm... most probably joining the youth for makan then going for a movie with them...
C: Huh? what movie?
S: thor la...
C: Can ya come to my sis's party at five?
S: Huh? Who's Birthday?
C: erm... my sis celebrating my nephew's birthday...
S: Oh... I ask my mum first okay...
C: ...kay....

this is JUST great...up until now... I still have no idea... that this Sunday was your bday.. Ouh..I'm so dead..

I'm still trying to figure out whats so special about today? 1st of May?
So I tried telling you that I wasn't able to make it for the partyyh...
C: You were shocked... HUH?! seriously ah!
S: ngek ngek... no ah.. bluff you only marh.. ghaha!
C:phewh.... I really want you to come leh..

still blank... why huh? partyy>>>chris house>>>1st of MAY??!! OH MY! its your birthday...
 how could I forget about it... ^^ im super sorry!

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