Tuesday, November 9, 2010

While waiting for the right timing...

To start the relationship.... Focus our eyes on the Lord. Remember Dueteronomy  6:5 says, Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 
 Well, lets meditate on it together even if 1000 times we may fail to do so, keep in mind that we must not for a single moment think of giving up!

For our Father in Heaven will never ever lost his hope that has been put on us. Amazing isn't it? I actually lost count of the numbers of time how I've not placed Him first in my life. I forgot about all His deeds on the cross for us from time to time. Only cared about me and you more than anything. Let's make a big U-turn in our life and live it right. Priorities first, God, then family, studies and so on....

You are not there waiting alone. I'm here waiting for you faithfully too! We keep our word and guard our hearts. Let nothing separate us from the love we have found through Jesus Christ ya...

Put your best foot forward in life for Him not me or for someone else, He is the one we love, whom has given us the purpose of living on this earth. Remember our creator. Remember His awesome power! So, pray together with me. Spend the time you have now to shut your eyes and pray for us and for others too ya...
You might be in the midst of busyness, but try to take time off for a moment of silence.
Pray hard like you never did before! And most importantly, keep the faith and continue to pray on.
Acknowledge the power of prayers, for He answers them.
We don't know where are we heading to, but we do know the One who is leading us. Cling on Him not me.

TEEHEEH! you look cute, my sweet cheese!

I know ! I know ! I'm embarrassing you with all those un-manly photos taken by me!
mwuahhhhahahahahah!!!  But I love them too much, so , I've no choice but to post them here for you to see la... and of course for others too! Hey, CUTIE! You make go 'aww aww aww so cute'! again!
Today is 9/11/2010! I'm touching 17! wooh! tskk tskk...I'll be awaiting for my 'hoho' you know what la... after spm... ishhh... I also don't know whether you remember or not...
GRRR...  never mind that! haha! When time comes we'll see ah... whats gonna happen...

keep that smile, Chris Lee , we're gonna be fine!
God is our protector!
Our tower of refuge and strength...
Nothing will destroy us
We just put our trust in Him..
and go forth with confidence..

P.S: never stop praying though times are good or bad, He hears the voice of His children! And what He desires is a childlike faith!

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