Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My testimony

 Life before I put my trust in Christ alone for salvation was like living in the dark sorrows of the earth. Others may think that a child like me being born in a Christian family has been taught on how to build their lives in the solid word of God. But I never truly experience the love of God or had an intimate relationship with Him before. I live each and everyday with the thoughts of committing suicide that enters in my mind for I feel that this life is not worth living for. Thoughts of that had somehow taken residence inside my brain because I really cannot accept nor deal with those harsh words that have been spoken out by my love ones. Every word pierced a deep hole in my heart, leaving behind a scar. There comes a point where I was tired of being pushed around and my broken heart feels that there is no cure to be found. I finally gave up living my life. My family members gathered around close by my side and remind me on God’s purpose in bringing each and every one into this world. They encouraged me to focus on fulfilling God’s purpose for me and leave what lies behind to strive for what is set ahead. Those precious words that I treasured the most did not just strengthen me; it also gave me hope to keep on living this life. I now realized how much God loves me. For 1 John 3:1 says ‘His love is so great that we are called God’s children’. It is simply His desire to lavish his love on his children and His death on the cross was the ultimate expression of His love for us (1 John 4:10). He has given me comfort through His Words, by the Holy Spirit and through fellow believers. He puts people into my path to help me through my difficult times. That is how perfect His love for us is. It has the power that is capable of conquering a human’s heart. I am sure about the love that is given by my Heavenly Father has deeply touched my heart. I decided to invite Jesus Christ into my life again and start a whole new chapter in life. Every page will be written about my relationship with my Father. My life ever since Jesus became my reason to live is free from suicidal thoughts. I enjoy having this wonderful relationship with my Father. I learned to love my greatest enemy and I’m doing it willingly with joy for Christ alone! The Lord renews me mentally and physically. I no longer suffer from any depressions. This Jesus Christ has influenced my life. Would you like to have a relationship with Him too?

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