Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Best days are ahead of me...

Owh! aaahh buu chakk! lalalala~ A new day with loads of homework to do... mwuahahah still got time to blog stuff. Here are the things that had happened.... Just today, I met a new friend.While I was doing my homework, she came to my table and started to talk. Awhh... *touched* fly fly~ It's just like whenever you needed company and you tell God that you felt lonely and then poooff~ someone even more talkative than me is starting a conversation with me...mohohohouu... sweet... that's why only get to finish up physics homework lo... as I was having fun chit-chatting with my new friend.

Then, wun wun surprised me with a question that goes like that,' do you pray at night '. And so I answered YES!
She asked me how do I do it. I told her that you can always talk to God like a normal friend and call Him papa...ops.. feel like its too much... But I was just sharing how I really pray to 'papa'... ^^ He's my Father in Heaven , a perfect papa indeed.

Long time I didn't practice what I've learned... not applying what God's word had thought me.. but God says
that it's never too late to get back on track. Never has anyone gone so far on the wrong path that they cannot return to the right one. Never has anyone become so wayward that they cannot benefit from the true light. 

true..true.. written in the Bible not once but a few times! See how long God's door is open wide for the sinners. He was waiting all along for you & me to repent and go His ways accordingly. 
mwuahhaahha... So, I'm gonna start by doing my devotions... hoh! hoh! hoh! Never had I miss devotions so consistently... lol...  ok! semangat! Lets study God's word... and share them to your neighbors!

I still feel pain actually. Still having a hard time to breathe. Tried to run away. Tired of waking up missing someone so much. Don't want to face it. With tears, I know I still have to walk through this road.
aiyah.. all this emo-ing makes my tummy grumble... hungry~~ eeeheeh!
I'll hold on to God's promises and continue to trust in Him that He had put so many people in my life for a reason. I have to let go and start anew! wheeeeheeh! =D

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