Wednesday, January 5, 2011

In such moments...

when you have to juggle school work, taking care of children, house chores and attending tuition classes all together in both hands. It just seems to me, I'm needing another pair of hands to juggle them well. I look to God, my eyes were wet and my heart was deeply troubled. I began to ask Him, dear Lord, tell me why do I have to go through this again? After all these years, have you not see me weep as though someone close to me had died? And I wonder is He ever working behind the scenes. I feel tired, my shoulders were heavy. My house, the one I used to call it 'home sweet home' isn't the place I want to be since I was a little girl.
Where can I go? What can I do about it? When will all this end?
Kids that I need to take care and handle is not so easy now. I am burden with so many responsibilities
which somehow aren't mine to be carried. What on earth are my parents demanding from me?
Isn't this burdensome enough for me? Where do I stand now? Am I anyhow your own flesh?
I cannot cry. I might get scolding for my sensitive feelings. I've tried my best and if this wasn't enough for you, I tell myself, 'just let it be this way'.
And yet others say that I'm not being helpful enough around in the house.
What can I say? Speak out some filthy words and show them how wrong they are?
Hello? I'm a Christian. I ain't suppose to do that. Even if I can, I'll choose not to.
Not wise , right? So? Do what about it?
Sit down and emo? hah... what's wrong with that eih? Pour it out to God and stay focus on Him.
The tongue is used to bless not curse others. Amen?
I told Him, 'Father, you always remind me that I'm Your beloved child through the Bible, sermons and Your people'. So, I ask for strength to persevere on to be even a better daughter of His creation.
I just went into my room. I shut the door. I sang some worship songs and played my guitar.
I felt and immense relief. As like the day is gonna be fine.
A call came, my brother in Christ just randomly called me and ask how am I doing so far.
I told him I was not okay. He said that he would find others to pray for me.
I'm glad someone just pop in and show me he cares. It feels like Jesus just gave me a call.
Later, I lay down on my bed and slept for awhile.
I on facebook and see what God's message today. heehee! He says...
that you are exactly where you are meant to be. Trust in God that everything is exactly the way it is supposed to be. Just as a child has to pass through a tiny channel on its way from the womb into life, so are you on your way to God.

Amazing! I am where I'm meant to be. This road I'm on, nobody understands because it is determine by God.
I'm His child, and I have to pass through this narrow pathway to find out this wonderful life that He has given me. A life that leads you back home to Jesus to have infinite moments with him for eternity.

Sometimes, you're gonna have such bitter moments... Press the break for awhile. Take time to breathe.
And lapse back into your consciousness. There's just so many beautiful things that had happened and are going to happen again in the future. Look back and reflect, you'll feel so blessed.

Counting my blessing!
My friend had just accepted Christ. I jumped like a crazy person and I wanted to cry out of happiness for a new soul has been saved. I was positive that I've done nothing much to impress her about Christianity...
about how amazing it would be to have Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour... and our relationship with Him... for we are called His sons & daughters. 
Certainly, theres nothing I did that made her believe what I was trying to explain.
It was God of course. All glory and praise to Him ya! 
A few days later, I gave her a Bible wrapped and decorated by me.
I was hoping she would love it.
Guess what? She was extremely happy! She saw whats in my heart.
She felt loved. A Bible and a self-made card had made her smile for so long that day.
She told me she wouldn't express it out the way I would. haha... (means she don't jump like crazy lo)
She told me again... 'I'm so happy to receive a Bible today'. 
She took it out from her bag after keeping it inside for some time and show it to me.
She shake the book and say 'yay' in a gentle tone.
Her face was so cheerful that it made me feel so touched by her appreciation.
She reads it at night and she told me she loves reading.
In my heart, I just thank God for answering my prayers.
I am no good at preaching the gospel. I can't really work with words. But just let God help that part for you.
Say a prayer before doing anything. Have faith in Him, that you trust. Let him guide you all the way. 
Go! And tell your friends & also stranger about this mighty God!


  1. You're doing good.. Doing more than excellent.. As hard as it seemed you pulled through and are strong.. By honoring your parents, God will honor you for you have kept his commandments.. Perhaps in simple ways such as giving you the joy in bringing someone to Christ.. An excitement and feeling that cannot be bought or obtained in other ways..

    A leader I see in you, a leader you will become. One day after all this I believe I'll see a strong woman rising up to lead God's army. So yes, continue on your marathon, it is a race of endurance, not to worry half way God will give u 100plus to move on! You're on your way there.. :) gambate!

  2. thanks deniece! hehe ^^ May God bless ya abundantly my dear dear leader.
