Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy Vday!

I'm counting...counting...the days we're apart. WARGGHH! gila lo..
^,< im okay ! Don't worry! I'm just a lil sick and dizzy.
ooo! lookieee!! Happy valentine day in advance! MWUACK! the bear moves! so Q~
I had a thought today. More like a day dream. I dreamed about me having some kind of serious sickness...
And I was about to die in the hospital.... LOL! choi choi choi! XD
So, the doc says I have only a few more weeks to live...
Then, everyone I know came to visit happy..
including you la of course...
I don't know why I have this dream, maybe i'm missing you too much I guess...
or maybe I fever until I have such nightmares.
All I get from this dream is to always cherish someone you loved, because life is so short.
Maybe tomorrow you and I will be gone...
And we wished we weren't apart for so long....wished we were....
together living our life with everyday that counts in the eyes of God...wished we..
have done better... or have done it differently...
or maybe someone you've hold grudges on him/her is gonna disappear all the sudden...
then you realize you should have ask for forgiveness and made some amendments
 if you're able to turn back the time...
hohohou.... sounds like a warning to not waste time emo-ing...


  1. didnt realiize u have a blog my dear, lol, now only i found out .....
    anyway, all the best for your studies and life <3

  2. wuohohoho... lol I didnt really tell anyone about my bloggie so maybe thats why you dont know. THANKS WAI WAI! I wish you the same too! and eh.. you jia you there you know... strengthen yourself with God's word kay... you're gonna graduate very soon I heard! So persevere alright!! miss ya!
