Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fill me , Lord...

Fill me with the fruits of Your Spirit , Lord.
Fill me with love , so that I seek to understand and appreciate
the rich variety and diversity of life that surrounds me.
Fill me with joy , so that I celebrate Your presence in each
and every moment I am on this earth.
Fill me with peace , so that I know how to ease those angry
and sometimes unholy urges inside of me.
Fill me with patience , so that I stop rushing
long enough to witness Your miraculous work
taking place all around me. ( And within me!)
Fill me with kindness , so that I take extra time to help the one in need,
even when it isn't convenient for me
Fill me with faithfulness , so that I place my mind , heart
and all that I do in the service of Your Gospel.
Fill me with gentleness , so that others know that I believe
in God who loves and cares for all people.
Fill me with self-control , so that I act not on my impulses
and urges , but rather on my beliefs and values ,
which are rooted in You.
Fill me with all these fruits if Your spirit , Lord!

-cheras EFC weekly bulletin-


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